New media outlet offering curated resources on all things Web3.

The Leak helps crypto-curious people enter the market and succeed by providing trusted information, news, guides, and unique tools.
How can we develop an approachable and engaging brand identity while delivering informative content?
In a world where trust and reliable information are crucial, navigating the complexities of Web3 can be challenging. The Leak is a media outlet that is dedicated to empowering individuals by providing curated resources, trusted news, guides, and unique tools to help them enter the market and succeed. Whether it’s for beginners just starting out or experienced users seeking insights and upcoming launches, The Leak aims to be a go-to source for reliable information in the Web3 space. Our team at Arthaos drew inspiration from the classic newspaper aesthetic of the mid-19th century, where newspaper vendors would use the catchphrase “Extra! Extra! Read all about it” to grab attention. We incorporated bold typography, minimal colour palette, and clean layouts of newspaper headlines into Territory 1, the brand identity concept we developed for The Leak. The colour palette was carefully designed with three colours, representing beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels, to create a visual hierarchy throughout the platform. The brand strategy we crafted for The Leak was cantered around the pillars of Curator’s Digest, Alpha State, DYOR (Do Your Own Research), FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) No More,” and “WAGMI (We Are All Going to Make It)” to directly connect with the Web3 community while also welcoming newcomers. Our aim at Arthaos was to make Web3 simple and accessible through a clear and engaging brand strategy and identity. The result is a compelling and comprehensive media outlet that reflects The Leak’s vision, purpose, and unique service proposition, providing a trustworthy and approachable source of information for Web3 enthusiasts at all levels of experience.